12:36 AM

Happy Friday Guys! 
We finally made it to the weekend. My passed two weeks were the craziest two weeks ever. All last week was about my wedding, and this week was all about catching up on things I didn't do last week Because of the wedding. So, I can't wait to just relax and binge watch Stranger Things all weekend long. 

Outfit Details 

Unlike some other bloggers, I try to avoid talking about skincare products. I've tried a lot of "blogger favorite" products, and most of them are sitting on the shelf. But today, I thought I'll share few super fun products I've been using for few months now. 

Have you ever heard of the donkey milk? "Say, what?" Yes, donkey milk is a real thing. And a small family run business in Oklahoma are using milk  from their donkeys to make all natural and organic products. Bot the moisturize and a deodorant are intrusiveness products with a pleasant natural smell. I absolutely adored this soap (and, I totally used it all up). I am huge sucker for homemade soaps, and this baby was right down my alley. 

So, this is not quite a product, but I've been loving my Sigma brushes lately. They feel very high-end while being extremely affordable. So, next time you are at the store, I would suggest to check them out. 

Thank you Influencer and Dulce de Donke for letting me try all these great products. 

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