
It Was Love At The Second Sight

12:02 AM


Oh no he didn't?! Oh Yes, he totally did...!
After almost 9 years of dating Zack finally asked me to be his wife. To be honest, it wasn't a huge surprise. We've been talking about it for years, but would always put it off for more important "indever". First it was "lets wait until one of finishes school" then, until "we get new cars", then "sell/buy a house" (by the way, 3 years in and we still haven't sold our old house, therefore, no new house...). But, when your relatives open every conversation with: "when are you finally getting married?" line, you know it's just a matter of time. And to answer that question, we are getting married in 1 week. SAY WHAT?! Yep, no more waiting for us.

So, I guess it's time to share our love story with you all.
Officially, Zack and I met at the movie theater. Unofficially, we started texting 4 months prior, but I never thought anything about it, because all I've known of him was his name and a mayspace account (remember myspace?). How many of us had a friend who would give your number to any guy they thought was cute? So, this was the case here. And, since, I had several disastrous blind dates in the past, I thought I'll just find excuses not to go on a date with him, and eventually, he would loose interest in me. But no... For the 4 months Zack continued to message me online and send me texts until I finally agreed to go on the date with him.

Well technically, I wasn't the one who agreed to a date with him. My friend did. I was over at her house and Zack happened to text me asking for a date. I was politely ignoring him, until my friend noticed my phone vibrating. And after a short interrogation, she decided that we are going to meet him later that night. And few hours later, of we wet to meet my feature husband...

Since, it was so last minute Zack was late. He didn't come into the movie theater until the previews started, so all I could make out in the dark were the turtle-shell necklace, Abercrombie hoody and a lot of long curly hairy. And I know, the shell necklace... I never liked those when they were hot in 2005, and I liked 'em even less in 2009...

So, after our initial date, I went back to politely avoid him. It took Zack over two weeks to talk me into another date. And guess what? He was late again... Although, this time he really did try to be on time...by speeding down one of the most notorious highways in the city. And as a no surprise, he got pulled over for speeding. I actually saw him being pulled over, since I was too running late. And his misfortunes didn't end there. When it was time to pay, he realized that he forgot his card at home, and like in some kind of rom-com movie waitress all but pulled the menu out of his hands and placed it in mine. We finished of the night with a (not so) romantic stroll down the Walmart aisles in search for some Clamatoes. Zack told me that they were absolutely amazing, and my life wouldn't be complete without tasting one. Well, it was the first and the last time I drank (or had a sip of) a Clamato.  They are disgasting. They taste and smell like puke.

And although, our date was an absolutely disaster, I didn't care. I literally couldn't take my eyes of the boy who sat across from me. He wasn't dressed fancy, nor did he do anything with his hair and he still wore that ugly shell necklace...but he SHAVED. And that is why "we are here today". Zack has one of the most beautiful and open smiles. And, I fell in love with that one dimpled smile as soon as saw it.

Anyways, if you totally skipped on reading everything I wrote... Just know this... Don't have your first date at the movie theater.

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