
Girl Just Want to Have Sun

1:37 PM

Happy Thursday Everyone,
As I mentioned in my previous post, Zack and I spent 10 days in Florida. Originally, we were going to spend few days in Destin, then rent a car and drive to Orlando. But due to procrastination, and few other issues, we ended up driving all the way to Florida. I don't mind roadtrips, but the drive from OKC to Destin was the most boring drive ever. I really looked forward to stopping in Mobile, but it's only few hours from Destin, so instead we drove right through it (plus it was 9pm).

Although, we drove, I decided to bring only one bag to cut down on packing and repacking, and because half the items I ordered didn't arrive until this week. Luckily, this adorable cover up dress and few other items made it in time. You can find most of outfits from this trip on my IG page or HERE. I got a lot of question about my flamingo bandana. This cuteness cam from the most unlikely place... Walmart. And was only $1! I also purchased the pineapple print one. 

Outfit Details

Cover // Bikini: Top / Bottom //Sandals: One /Two / Three 

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Originally, I wasn't going to share any of these photos with you, since I am not very comfortable with the way my body is looking at the moment. But then I realized that I never was happy with my "beach body" even when I was 25lb lighter. So, I thought I'll listen to my own advice and embrace my curves. Love yourself ladies, and don't let no one (even yourself) put you down.

Just a few photos of us. And yes, I have no idea why Z is wearing New Orleans tee or how did he manage to sneak it by me when I packed his bag full of pineapple and palm print shirts...

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